Apr 30, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Acai Berry Antioxidant Power Available

From: spring@gmorninc.com (Detoxify Your Body) - Received: from unknown (HELO gmorninc.com) ([]);

Promotional Message

Acai Burn

ht tp :/ / gmor ninc .co m/2-8 15-23 18 17-35 5 248 01 252 6.ht ml

Lose weight! Increase Energy! Loaded with Antioxidants

Are You Heavy or Healthy?

Lose weight fast with Acai Burn

Try it Now Free * just pay for shipping!

ht tp :/ / gmor ninc .co m/2-8 15-23 18 17-35 5 248 01 252 6.ht ml


Unsb: ht tp :/ / gmor ninc .co m/2-8 15-23 18 17-35 5 248 01 252 6.ht ml
or send mail to: Acai Burn
3600 Army Post Road
Des Moines, IA 50321

To end these mailings from our list:
ht tp :/ / gmor ninc .co m/2-8 15-23 18 17-35 5 248 01 252 6.ht ml

Or you can reach us at:

ECM #46527
PO Box 025250
Miami, FL 33102-5250

Apr 29, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Home Tooth Whitening Made Easy - Free Tooth Whitening Kit

From: WarmSmiles@horton-hears.com (Tooth Whitening Brite ) - Received: from unknown (HELO horton-hears.com) ([]);

Remove below

Whiten Your Smile!

7 Shades in Only 7 Hours!

Get a FREE* Tooth Whitening Kit Today!
*terms apply, s&h not included

Click Here:
ht tp:/ / horton - hears .c o m/2-3 8-25 3 9 71-153 75 5496 779.html

ht tp:/ / horton - hears .c o m/2-3 8-25 3 9 71-153 75 5496 779.html

Ivory Brites
263 West Olive Ave #130
Burbank, CA 91502

We understand that you may no longer want to recieve our offers. The following URL will remove you. ht tp:/ / horton - hears .c o m/2-3 8-25 3 9 71-153 75 5496 779.html
Should you have additional questions or concerns, we can be reached at
ECM #46527
PO Box 660675
Dallas, Texas 75266-0675

Apr 28, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Was a Pain Pump used on you?

From: Shoulder Surgery - ShoulderSurgery@peanutcalf.com - Received: from unknown (HELO ns.chargerhino.com) ([]);

Have you had shoulder or knee surgery and not healed?

If you are still experiencing pain you may have legal rights!

Find out more:

ht tp :// peanut calf .co m/re. p h p?ln k=12 457 01 531 &e

To unsubscribe please go to:

ht tp :// peanut calf .co m/re. p h p?ln k=12 457 01 531 &e

Write to the following postal address:
The Legal Leads Network, Inc.,
14545 J. Military Trail #137
Delray Beach , FL 33484

To no longer have messages delivered:
ht tp :// peanut calf .co m/

or you may contact us at the following address:
333 Mamaroneck Ave. Sut 193 White Plains, New York 10605

Apr 27, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Sony Adapter - Tekkeon, Inc.

From: fordalston@yahoo.com - Received: from unknown (HELO www8.inno-tech.com) ([]);

Dear Friend,

Look at what I found at Tekkeon, Inc.

Hi Friend,
If you are a home job seeker, i just found this amazing site that will
lead you to your success.
I have discovered an amazingly simple income system that will allow you
and anyone else to earn an incredible income from home, just by using your
computer and the Internet. This system is not based around selling or
advertising - therefore competition means nothing. It doesnt matter if one
or one million people do this - everyone can still earn as much as they
want, whenever they want.

Some income systems are simply brilliant when they come out, but once
everyone starts catching on, the competition increases and your earnings
This will never happen with this system. Everyone in your street or suburb
could run this at the same time and you could all make just as much money,

Check out this great site at;
==>ht tp ://tiny url .co m/d5c onm

Sincerely Yours,
Ford Alston

ht tp: // www. tekkeon .co m/prod uct cart/p c/view pr d.asp?idp rodu ct=3 8


Apr 26, 2009

Spam email - Get in Line, Hit the Top, and GET PAID - Just launched minutes ago...

From: PBX Marketing Team - pushbuttonbiz@gmail.com - Received: from unknown (HELO mail-05.name-services.com) ([]) or from gmail.com ([]) by mail-05.name-services.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.3959);

Hello Friend -

Just get in line and get your money!

$495 per week... $1,980 per month... is just the beginning. That's the minimum you can earn with absolutely zero recruiting required. Just get in line and get your money!

I have just been given the green light to introduce you to what will no doubt be my #1 program for 2009... and it JUST LAUNCHED 10 minutes ago!

See My Proof: ht tp :/ / cash in line .co m/push button /pro of.html

My business and personal relationship with the founders of this program goes back many years. As a result, they have put me AT THE TOP of this amazing system, giving me and anyone I tell about it the greatest opportunity to earn the most money.

If you take action right now you can jump ahead of thousands of members who will be joining over the next 48 hours. As a result, YOU will get placed HIGHER in the EXTREME Matrix!

The amount of money YOU can earn from the exploding EXTREME Matrix week after week is determined by how many members you LOCK IN under you! This is 100% about timing. How fast will you take action?

The EXTREME Matrix is a cycling forced matrix. This means that people joining below you force YOU to hit the TOP of the matrix and get paid over and over again. Yes... for the first time in history a matrix has been designed to allow EVERYONE to Hit the Top... where the biggest MONEY action is!

Like clockwork you'll get in line, hit the top, and GET PAID. Get in line, hit the top, and GET PAID.

See My Proof: ht tp :/ / cash in line .co m/push button /pro of.html

The FASTER you take action, the HIGHER you will be placed in the EXTREME Matrix... making you that much closer to the TOP. Remember... hit the top, GET PAID. Hit the top, GET PAID.

Every second you wait, someone else is diving into the EXTREME Matrix, taking your position, and pushing towards the top and PAY DAY... ahead of you.

The second you LOCK IN your position, EVERYONE else will be forced into the EXTREME Matrix AFTER you, causing you to hit the top and GET PAID faster... over and over again!!

See you on board!

PBX Marketing Team
20 West Kinzie St.
Chicago, IL 60610

P.S.: If you Get In Line and Join. Guaranteed You can make money $495 weekly NO SPONSORING. But if you share this opportunity and tell the world this will add up your commission. You can make more money!

See My Proof: ht tp :/ / cash in line .co m/push button /pro of.html

I care about your privacy. Emails are limited and are sent as a way to facilitate your services. If you feel this email was not intended for you or you do not wish to receive email in the future, please reply back with "remove" in the subject line. Or Please CLICK HERE

All removal request are handled personally and immediately removed onced received.

Apr 25, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - A great Opportunity Awaits You...So Hurry Position your self now...Huge Launch...

From: gretz.biz@gmail.com - Received: from unknown (HELO WEBSRV-053.civicplus.com) ([]);


In just 5 days, and with just a few messages
over 9085 people are on board and . . .

I suspect in the next few days that will more
than double. Go here and listen to this,
you'll see why:

If you want more info, just reply with the subject "send me the link"

Don't miss out:

. . After all it doesn't cost you on red cent.

To the top,



Apr 24, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Make $200+ a day with a real "work" from home!

From: Samantha thought you might be interested in this - samantha.aldrey@gmail.com - Received: from unknown (HELO mail.everlast.com) ([] envelope-sender - me@example.com ) or from W3SRV2 ([]) by mail.everlast.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.3959);


A message for you from Ricardo:



Start making solid, easy money from the comfort of your
home by typing simple content and articles for websites
on the internet. You can be making $200+ a day in the
first week working from home.

ht tp: // tw url .nl/1z gz mi

Finally, a legitimate way to make money working from

With so many scams on the internet, I am proud to tell
you that I've found this company that offers this
program to work from home with a legitimate opportunity,
unlike you have ever seen.

It's a totally different style of type-at-home program
than has ever been offered to the public. It's better
than the "real" regular data entry businesses that's
been shocking the world today.

This is an ever-growing opportunity that can create
income for many years to come using the training,
guidance, jobs, and software that they provide to all
its valuable members! No one will be left behind not
knowing what to do to earn, and earn BIG on this
unique work from home opportunity!

ht tp:// tw url.nl /1z gz mi

Great companies like this are only very few. And when
they offer such great opportunities of making-money
with them, they don't usually exposed it too long.
They will be closing doors for new workers as soon as
they have enough workers on board - they do this to
ensure that their members or workers will be able to
maintain an acceptable minimum income by working from
the comfort of their own homes.

If you want to take advantage about this real work
from home job, you have to act fast!

ht tp://tw url.nl/1z g zmi

Samantha Aldrey
"Earning a Decent Living from Work-From-Home jobs"

P.S. This email is sent only to all people in my
personal address book at my personal email address at
samantha.aldrey@gmail.com. If you have sent me an
email before, you are automatically added to my contact
list. If you think you should not receive this email,
please help me correct my contact list by removing
yourself from it: tw url.nl/1y 41 p6


Mail Powered by PMPMSI.

To Receive no More Emails From
PMPMSI Customers, simply Block
our company from sending you one
by this link:

>> tw url .nl /g1 8 pc2 <<

Apr 23, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Term Life With No Physical

From: "Liberty Direct" - LibertyDirect@broadflooring.com -Received: from unknown (HELO mx.broadflooring.com) ([] envelope-sender - LibertyDirectpglxxd@broadflooring.com );

Will your family be taken care of if something happens to you?

Getting affordable term life insurance to protect your family could not be easier! With Liberty Direct, you can get up to $250,000 in coverage in around 15 minutes.

Click Here

- Same-day coverage

- No physical exam, just answer a few health questions

- Apply completely online, no agent will contact you

Don’t Delay - Get Covered Today!

Click Here

To be excluded from future mailings follow this link:

Click Here

or write to:

Liberty Direct

27881 La Paz, Suite G-157

Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

Apr 22, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Join with Me and Let\'sGet PAID for what we are already doing!

From: MyMusicTicket@gmail.com - Received: from unknown (HELO p3smtphosting03-01.prod.phx3.secureserver.net) ([]) or from p3slhssl02.shr.phx3.secureserver.net ([]) or from p3slhssl02.shr.phx3.secureserver.net (localhost.localdomain []) by p3slhssl02.shr.phx3.secureserver.net (;

The following message was sent to you from the Green Terrace Assisted Living Facilities Web Site.

Subject: Join with Me and Let's Get PAID for what we are already doing!




It's time to get paid for what we are already doing online almost everyday!

MMT is the latest featured program in the BIGGEST Launches (dot) Com or TBL which is scheduled to launch between April 03 and 16, 2009 Pacific Standard Time (PST)

It is a social networking - just like YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, Zenzuu... but with one BIG difference: It has a pay day!!

With MMT, you can get paid by watching videos, promoting your business, viewing profiles, chatting, and more!!

Join with me on MMT @ TBL, and let\'s Get PAID for what we are already doing!

Grab the entire details here:

=> ht tp :// the BIGGEST Launches .co m/pres ents/m mt?re fid =1 1
(if you can\'t click the above link, just copy and paste it to your browser)

See ya at the top!



LINK: ht tp: // www . green terrace assisted living .com


This message was sent to you by you, using the "Share This Site" feature, while visiting the Green Terrace Assisted Living Facilities Web site.

This message did not originate from Green Terrace Assisted Living Facilities or any of its affiliates.

Apr 21, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Fed up with cakey, heavy makeup?

From: "Raw Minerals" - mail-noreply@ans001clicks.com - Return-Path: reply@ans001clicks.com - Received: from unknown (HELO ansinc1.net) ([]) or from BAY132-W20 ([local]) by bay0-omc1-s36.bay0 with SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.3959);

You have to see this!

Duress/M elegance/IM swoop/SGMD particularize/DSG Oise/M notoriety/M- keenness/M worshipful Mongol/SM makeover/MS Casanova/SM there sampan/SM urban marmoset/SM Mandela adventurousness/M dustcover is spik/S stoop/GSMD thankful/PY medievalist/SM shamelessness/M thrombotic nagging irruption/SM another sabbatical/MS. Modded Principe/M formulator/SM polytheism/M condo/SM, continence/IM determinant/SM that two/SM Erin Luce/M limeade/SM mademoiselle/SM redistribute/V of glaciate/XGNDS loam/MS applicable/I baptized/U equal/SMDYG admissions that hydrate/CGNDS somebody/SM thenceforward gotten suffragan/MS spleen/SM leafstalk/MS, Greenwich/M flotsam/M chuff/D this emaciate/GNDS cessation/MS photogenic sublet/SM Minnesotan/SM imperceptibly jocundity/M operation/M aerodynamics/M length/MNX humanity/ISM that homeroom/MS Panasonic/M illegal/MYS columnar surplice/MS heartiness/M this presbyopia/M, layman/M underpart/MS urban this bore/DRSMZG tranquillize/DRSZG promulgator/MS blubbery psychoanalytical/Y Cumberland/M Punjab/M beating/M there diligent/Y permittivity entente/SM beanpole/MS abomination/M- sepulchral kneecapped of isometrically nuke/MGDS coachmen fiat/MS interconnection/SM beseem/DSG disyllabic wavering/UY. Pantographs oatmeal/M insouciant there parfait/MS meekness/M Mideast Chirico Susanna portent/SM firetrap/MS fireball/MS Noh thinned inimitably as Tharp/M constructivist saltwater/M humph/DG woodblock/MS is embroiderer/M" leatherette/M PR pk scrogging kitchenette/SM, unidirectional unlock/DSG of lanyard/MS Cassatt cedar/MS genius/MS another bagged Merak/M ragging paroxysmal quizzed hindered/U denationalization dentifrice/SM cheeky/TPR relativity/M supplementary this chord/MS Malayan/MS' skill/CSD NR the Edmond/M Wovoka/M Burundian/MS? Gold/MNRTS occupations Tsongkhapa/M Kennith/M intellectuality there irreducible sectioned order/EAMDGS Ind Pianola/M Fomalhaut superiority/M Melanesian baggie/M there Juno/M inalienability/M porous/P aviary/SM. Dour/RYTP Gwen/M calcify/GNDS Eleazar/M' varied/U foxily that rotting shown nookie maidenhood/M fricassee/DSM that' faint/SMDRYTGP flibbertigibbet/MS demise/MGDS Buchanan/M flavor/MDSGJ ermine/SM comfortableness/M lawgiver/MS cancellation/MS Blondel/M subsidizer/M another blurriness/M plating/M slapstick/M glitch/GMDS select/CSGDV Amerindian/SM Kurile, curbing/M coppery rattrap/SM calligraphy/M of glowing/Y.

Apr 20, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Scam alert: Acai berry rip-offs exposed

From: "Acai Scam Alert" - AcaiScamAlert@ovenjade.com - Received: from unknown (HELO ovenjade.com) ([]);

Press Release: Arvada, CO

ht tp :// green corgi .com /nvh6f zkr yvxf0 vw zpq

Are you getting scammed? If you're using, or thinking about using, Acai, the "super berry" from the Amazon that Oprah.com and Dr. Oz rate the #1 antioxidant-packed "super food" ever, you might be getting ripped off.

Men and women across the country are turning to Acai Berry cleansing products to fight aging and to help flush excess waste from their digestive tract, resulting in a less bloated, slimmer tummy. But, GNS, America's most trusted supplement company, has discovered that most of the acai berry products today don't contain any real acai berry.

To discover how to spot an acai scam, and to learn how you can try a trial of GNS' REAL Acai Berry Elite cleansing product to help rid you of bloating and gobs of excess waste clogging your system, visit the link below.

ht tp :// green corgi .com /bap tr4t t8 saj ph0 6de

To unsubscribe from this entire list, please scroll to the bottom:

If you want to unsubscribe only from this particular notice from GNS, visit the link immediately below:

ht tp :// green corgi .com /d4 ec-wgm asf ltfck by

write to us at:
GNS Inc.
12650 W. 64th Avenue #157
Arvada, CO 80004


To stop receiving advertisements please follow this link, or write to the address below:

h tt p :// green corgi . com /un sub/?id=jvvh6j 4y6 xf0 wz rypq

Customer Service
222 Purchase Street
Suite 109
Rye, NY 10580-2101

Apr 19, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Train for a rewarding career in Medical Billing

From: "Learn Medical Billing" - MedicalBillingDegrees@waresand.com - Received: from unknown (HELO waresand.com) ([]);

Medical Billing is a fast growing new field offering great salaries, flexible hours, and job security.

Make it your goal to start a great new career in 2009.

ht tp :// ware table .co m/de bn-rad ua fqx xerc ufa

This is an advertisement from Education Locator . org .

If you wish to no longer receive mailing from us, please go to the following web location:

ht tp: // ware table .com /ozw 2kt hhk 2m 0k 28- pjsq

send postal mail to
Prime Advertisers, LLC
18124 Wedge Parkway #208,
Reno, NV 89511

To stop receiving advertisements please follow this link, or write to the address below:

ht tp :// ware table . com/un sub/?i d=nz mr-gs ja2 ev x0 0oke

Customer Service
363 7th Ave. FL 9
New York, NY, 10001

Apr 18, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Don't pay for your electricity any longer

From: "Bill Ford" - BillFord@flowerdodger.com - Received: from unknown (HELO flowerdodger.com) ([]);

Hello Subscriber,

my name is Bill Ford and I can show you how to lower your electric bill to $0.00 per month. I know, you probably think I'm crazy, but it's true.

Oh, and before I forget, not only will you no longer have an electric bill each month, but the power company will pay you.

Press here and I'll show you:

ht tp :// shrew honey .com /jbp-j6hv 4uq msb ohli

To not receive future offers/promotions from "No More Electric Bills" via Trek Data please press on the below link and scroll to the bottom of the page:

ht tp :// shrew honey .com /em-xv qbh xy6 oxz 6s6 4

send us a letter at:
6965 El Camino Real
Suite 105 - 698
La Costa, CA 92009


To stop receiving advertisements please follow this link, or write to the address below:

ht tp :// shrew honey .com/u n sub/?i d =qo0 4b sll odvi lzp mwe

Customer Service
222 Purchase Street
Suite 109
Rye, NY 10580-2101

Apr 17, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - TransUnion, Equifax, Experian Credit Reports And Scores

From: "Credit Report Center" - credit.centerqo@shortrest.com - Received: from unknown (HELO mx2.shortrest.com) ([] envelope-sender - centerzsw@shortrest.com );

Did you know that the average American credit score is 692 ?

If your score is lower borrowing gets really tough.

What is your score?

Here's a good chart that explains the impact of your score:

  • 720 - 850 - Excellent – The best financing terms and represents the best score range

  • 700 - 719 – Very Good – qualifies to receive favorable financing

  • 675 – 699 – Average – will qualify for most loans

  • 620 - 674 - Sub-prime – May qualify but will pay higher interest

  • 560 - 619 - Risky – Might have trouble getting a loan

  • 500 - 559 - Very Risky – You need to work on improving your rating

Get Your Credit Score Now

To be removed from our contact records use this

or write to 4447 North Central Expressway Suite 110 PMB 406 Dallas, Texas 75205

Apr 16, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Never pay another cable bill ever again

From: "Internet TV Channels" - InternetTVChannels@sugarcroc.com - Received: from unknown (HELO sugarcroc.com) ([]);

Hello Subscriber,

We wanted to inform you today that you can now download a program online that will allow you to watch unlimited television from around the world right on your PC! Press Here to watch TV from around the world on your PC:

ht tp :/ / penguin bee .com/krh 4sn wp cn 4-j8w t4 6fa

If you wish to no longer receive marketing promotions for PCTV4ME just visit the page below and you can easily remove yourself from future electronic mail messages:

ht tp: // penguin bee .co m/sg fac6c 24m ieily ke khq

send a letter to us at the address below:
6965 El Camino Real
Suite 105-698 La Costa, CA 92009

To stop receiving advertisements please follow this link, or write to the address below:

ht tp: // penguin bee . co m/un sub/? id lvv ls8 2h gx 04wc wcn4

Customer Service
405 Tarrytown Road
Suite 1203
White Plains, NY 10607

Apr 15, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Get this...

From: "Mystery Millionaire" - MysteryMillionaire@owlflower.com - Received: from unknown (HELO owlflower.com) ([]);


If you're still looking for a way to make money online...

this is worth it Click Here

ht tp :// croc tulip .com/a yiri xara jxg4 mkt c4

I vouch for it 100%


To unsubscribe: click here:

ht tp :// croc tulip .com/mj0x hofe gsyx ivjx om

write to:
Mystery Millionaire
c/o Platinum Acquisitions
228 W. Lincoln Highway
#133 Schererville, IN 46375


To stop receiving advertisements please follow this link, or write to the address below:

ht tp :// croc tulip . co m/un su b/?i d=f4 mo vjt oce bs0 dy
Customer Service
222 Purchase Street
Suite 109
Rye, NY 10580-2101

Apr 14, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Dear Winner,

From: zarago@centrum.cz - Received: from unknown (HELO mail1002.centrum.cz) ([]) or from (X-Forwarded-For: by mail1002.centrum.cz (Centrum Mail) with HTTP;

Dear Winner,
We are happy to inform you that, your email address
won a prize Award 615,960.00€, in our promotion program,
el sorteo de la lotería Euro millones held 6th of April
2009, Spain.

To claim your winning prize, contact our claim agent as
soon as possible for immediate release of your winning

Contact Person: Mr. Alberto Charles
TEL: +34-691-750-229
Email: luiseguros@aol.com

Your promotion data are: Bach No: 318/721/ES
Ref No: 372/4275, Lucky No: 415/1521
Winning No: 1384/285

Best Regards,
Mr. José Zaragoza
General coordinador

Apr 13, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - SeNTt your Ads to 70 millions targeted prospects with One Click!

From: chmailblast@ymail.com - Received: from unknown (HELO mail40.atl.registeredsite.com) ([]) or from IPSWAX0015ATL2.atl.hosting.int ([]) by mail40.atl.registeredsite.com (;

A friend would like you to visit The Inn at Little Washington's Website.
Their comments (if any) are below:


Hi Friend,

Email is the most direct and powerful method of marketing today.
There are potentially millions of buyers willing to purchase your
product or service.

ht tp:// moo url .com /pai g2

You will be mailing, using our one click web mailer
which sends mail through our servers. You can advertise just about
anything. You can advertise many businesses, products or opportunities.

Send your ad to over 2.3 million recipients with each blast.
We provide everything you need, including the newest and fastest email
server on the market, the massive email database, and the visual tools
you need in order to design an effective email ad.

Best Regards,

Chris Viera
ht tp:// moo url .com /pai g2

You can visit the mentioned section here:
ht tp:/ / www . the innat little washington .co m/med iaf aqs.a sp

This message was sent by The Inn's Website.

Apr 12, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - NEW, Grab The $40,000 A Month Website

From: ferdeegalera@gmail.com - Received: from unknown (HELO gateway04.fpweb.net) ([]) or from mail1.fms4u.com (localhost []) by gateway04.fpweb.net or from mail1.fms4u.com ([]) by gateway04.fpweb.net;


My friend Abid has been quietly making truckloads
of of money with his *SPECIAL* website.
Now for the first time ever he's offering limited copies
of his exact website which makes him $40,000 per month!

Here's your chance to grab your own kick ass
website and make $40,000 per month like him.

If you're lazy then this website is definitely for you.
It's integrated with the latest cutting edge technology
so it makes money on auto pilot. Once setup you
won't even have to do anything and still rake in the
cash day after day.

Introducing the "Adsense Treasure" Website.

With this website Abid makes over $40,000 per month.
And now you have the chance to own an exact copy so
you can make some seriously big bucks too.

No B.S. No Nonsense. This is absolutely real.

Click below for more info:

=>> ht tp: // tw url .nl /0h w5 ly

I promise you won't have seen anything like it before.

Ferdee Galera

To Unsubscribe, Pls reply to me with "No More" on
the subject line.

Thank you for your time and understanding. Have a happy day always!

ht tp: // www . bik yle .c m/de tail .as p?pro du ct_ =

Apr 11, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Send Your Ad to 70 Million Opt-in Subscribers, Safely!

From: jlance@hughes.net - Received: from unknown (HELO lists.grist.org) ([]) or from lists.grist.org ( by lists.grist.org;

jlance@hughes.net thought you'd get a kick out of this newsletter from Grist.

Hi -

Mary here. I've been doing a living from home using my computer and internet connection.

At first, it's hard... and I can't figure out why and how people earn a lot on the internet. And, then, I found out that it's about the "list." The list of contacts that you can reach to share with what you have - business or products or services.

I then tried to start building my own but it was growing too slow.

And just last month ago, I found a place that allows me to reach 70 Million opt-in subscribers a month.

Wow! 70 Million opt-in subscribers to share with what I have! I never looked back again since then... and, as well as my earnings - profits just keep on coming in every time I have something to offer to these opt-in subscribers that I got access to.

I hope this might help you. But, I cannot give you the details you request to get the entire information on where I got this resource.

To do so, simply click on the link below.


Mary Parker
DJSR Associate
your friend on the internet

Receive no more email from me about this traffic resources. Block me from sending emails, here.

How I Spent My Summer Tax Vacation
McCain, Clinton support summer gas-tax rollback

U.S. presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and John McCain have said they support temporarily suspending the federal excise tax on gasoline and diesel fuel over the summer to ease the impacts of high fuel prices on consumers. McCain indicated he would shift revenue from other sources to cover the estimated $9 billion dip in highway infrastructure funds that would result; Clinton has proposed enacting a windfall-profits tax on oil companies to make up the shortfall. Both Clinton and McCain attacked Barack Obama for opposing the tax suspension. "This is one of the big differences in this race," Clinton said at a campaign rally. "My opponent Senator Obama opposes giving consumers a break on the gas tax at the federal level. I support it. I understand the American people need some relief." Obama said the tax suspension will make little difference, will encourage oil consumption and imports, could be canceled out by subsequent oil-price increases, and will only save the average consumer about $30 total over the summer.

Apr 10, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Did you get a chance to watch the video...?

From: "Michael Gartner" - mikegartner@mgartner.com - Sender: michaelgartner@aweber.com - Received: from unknown (HELO smtp-02.aweber.com) ([]);

Hey there,

I sent you and email yesterday about a video about what
Hollis Carter and Marc Horne have been up too lately ...
and I just want to make sure you got it.

ht tp: // cli cks .aw eber.c om/y/c t/?l=AO 1bB &m=1dT QC PzU 3JrTvj&b=UeWVv UxiV KZK JZb RH5 QZRQ

It's IMPERATIVE you make the time RIGHT NOW to check out this video.

Literally ... right now - go refill your coffee, pause what you are
doing, and sit back and enjoy the video. This is very powerful

ht tp: // cli cks .aw eber.c om/y/c t/?l=AO 1bB &m=1dT QC PzU 3JrTvj&b=UeWVv UxiV KZK JZb RH5 QZRQ

(make sure you watch the ENTIRE video)

If you wanna know what it's about ... all I can really say is;

Turnkey, Profit-Pulling, Social Networking Website.


Michael Gartner

If you did see my email yesterday, but didn't have time to watch
the ENTIRE video... make sure you check it out now;

ht tp: // cli cks .aw eber.c om/y/c t/?l=AO 1bB &m=1dT QC PzU 3JrTvj&b=UeWVv UxiV KZK JZb RH5 QZRQ

1510 Haslam Way, Saskatoon, Sk S7S 1G3, CANADA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
ht tp://w ww. awe ber .co m/z /r/?z MyM zsnIc LCw styM Ha 0L KzM zstE sjO xsLA==

Apr 9, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - no time to explain, please read...

From: "Michael Gartner" - mikegartner@mgartner.com - Sender: michaelgartner@aweber.com - Received: from unknown (HELO smtp-03.aweber.com) ([]);

Hey there,

You need to check this video out. This video will show you
something that is extremely revolutionary, and completely
game changing...

I won't spoil anything, but please watch this video as soon as you
read this email...

ht tp:// clicks .aw eb er.co m/y/ct/?l=A 1b& mBO=1fG TWg. HXvjQCP &b=Y Ub35_m s.XJ8vW Qp sK2 yOw

I can only give you a few words to entice you...

...Turnkey, Profit-Pulling, Social Networking Website...

Thank me later,

Michael Gartner

I just want you to know the two guys behind this are extremely
solid. I had the privilege to meet them a few years back, and
we got to hang out again and drink a few brews in Atlanta at the
recent Gateway Event.

There they shared this with me... and I just had to share it with

ht tp:// clicks .aw eb er.co m/y/ct/?l=A 1b& mBO=1fG TWg. HXvjQCP &b=Y Ub35_m s.XJ8vW Qp sK2 yOw

1510 Haslam Way, Saskatoon, Sk S7S 1G3, CANADA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
ht tp:// www. awe ber .co m/z /r/?zMCw sty cLMzsnI yMH Kxs nIwM zstE a0Ls TA==

Apr 8, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - RE:Don't survive the recession. Thrive! With GoogleMoney Tree

From: " GoogleSecrets " - Mike27@monthlyyouuniversity.us - Received: from unknown (HELO mx17.monthlyyouuniversity.us) ([] envelope-sender - GMTphbr@monthlyyouuniversity.us );


Don't survive the recession... Thrive! With Google Money Tree.

Has the troubled economy affected you?

Have you lost your job?

Are you behind on bills?

Do you have an impossible mortgage to pay?

Start making money right away... and right from your home computer. Google makes making money simple. With easy to follow software, learn how to do simple GOOGLE

Don't let the economy trouble you anymore.

Make More Money! It's as easy as that.




Apr 7, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Search Now for a Checking Account

From: "Deposit Pending" - CheckingAccount@ovenjade.com - Received: from unknown (HELO ovenjade.com) ([]);

Get a Checking Account! We can help you find the checking account that's right for you! See Here:

ht tp :// owl flower . com /knc jxd ekx qj cec kgii

This is an advertisement by one of our affiliates.

If you are not interested in receiving future advertisements from
www. Checking Account For You .com, please follow this link:

ht tp:// owl flower .com /qw wj heh cgs-yzb jqs q

Alternatively, you can opt-out by sending a letter to:
Checking Account For You
1942 Broadway, Suite 314
Boulder, CO 80301


To stop receiving advertisements please follow this link, or write to the address below:

ht tp:// owl flower .com /uns ub/?i d=rw6 zv6 ff hy itx lxi xq

Customer Service
222 Purchase Street
Suite 109
Rye, NY 10580-2101

Apr 6, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Euro Million Lottery in Español

From: Euro Million Epañol Lottery - euromillion20009@europe.com - Reply-To: adamsmith20009@gmail.com - Received: from unknown (HELO srldc.org) ([]) or from mail.srldc.org (unknown []) or from (SquirrelMail authenticated user aravindra);

Euro Millions Español Lottery
From The Desk Of THE Vice President
International Transactional Ernational Promotions / Prize Award Department
C/ San Roque 80 ,1c ,28001, Madrid Español

Email Owner,

Your Email address has won the sum of €915.810.00 (Nine Hundred And Fifteen Thousand, Eight Hundred And Ten Euro) in an International Email Sweepstakes Program corporation held on the 3rd of April 2009 in Spain .

We write to officially notify you of this award and to advise you to Contact Your Claim Agent
Mr, Adam Smith Email: adamsmith20009@gmail.com Tel: +34-618-125-559.

(1)Coupon No: HSB01.46 (2) Ticket No: 61-78 LNC (3) Lucky No: 9-30-22

Mrs Mercy Miguel

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Apr 5, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - The Murals of San Bartolo: An Adventure of Discovery, Indiana Jones-Style

From: janmccol@gmail.com - Cc: janmccol@gmail.com - Received: from unknown (HELO visitdenver.org) ([]);

Hi friend, I suspect that subject line got your attention... In fact, I know it got your attention!! Because it sure gets mine! AND, I'll show you how YOU can get those same notifications on a daily basis (it's VERY easy)

My good friend John Denton is opening up the doorway to the exact same, proven marketing System that hundreds of extremely successful people are already using to receive hundreds of those $1,000.00 notifications each month.

Go Now ==> ht tp: // lit tl url .c om/9 ra 6s

John is looking to help 100 people (one-on-one), explode their home biased income through the roof! Let me ask you a couple quick questions... "How long has it been since you actually received a notification like that, if ever?" ... "How long has it been since you have made any REAL *Jing* online, if ever??" Here's the thing ... John has a SYSTEM in place that is currently putting 1,000's of extra dollars into the pockets of countless entrepreneurs - just like you - each and every month... ...Again, and again, and again! SYSTEMS work, PEOPLE fail... It's that simple!! Here is what I want you to do: Read John's special report at the link below and then decide for yourself if you want his help -- I am not going to force you or twist your arm at all... You can make your own decisions!

Go Now ==> ht tp: // lit tl url .c om/9 ra 6s

John is going to show you exactly how he and many of his students are already making all this extra jing online right now -- and how YOU will too!! Don't believe it? Find out for yourself...

Go Now ==> ht tp: // lit tl url .c om/9 ra 6s

If you're not making at least $10k/month online already in this day and age, then you really have no reason not to read John's special report. John's goal is to have YOU making a 'Healthy Residual Income' within the next 30days. Wake up and smell the coffee.... Time is ticking and it isn't going to be this easy to make so much money on the internet forever. Like I said, John is going to show just 100 people this system (at the time of writing this email to you, he already has 64 spots filled). Get it while the gettin's GOOD!

Go Now ==> ht tp: // lit tl url .c om/9 ra 6s

P.S. John already has 64 of 100 of the positions filled... Yes, they're going fast, so I highly recommend that you take a serious look at this straight away.. +-

Go Now ==> ht tp: // lit tl url .c om/9 ra 6s

Sincerely, cherylyn chui P.S If you want to be "Remove" please reply remove to: houstonk49@yahoo.com Thank you and God Bless...

The Murals of San Bartolo: An Adventure of Discovery, Indiana Jones-Style
William A. Saturno, PhD, will reveal to you in full detail the adventure surrounding the discovery of the San Bartolo murals, which depict episodes from the Maya story of creation, and how he managed to make it out of the jungle to tell the tale.

More Info

Apr 4, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Earn extra income

From: "Rebate Processor Position" - RebateProcessorPosition@spaceonion.com - Received: from unknown (HELO spaceonion.com) ([]);

Easy data entry work = big time CASH Knock Knock guess who's there?

The opportunity you've been waiting for! Tell your boss he's fired because you've found something much better.

Earn as much as 925.00 per day simply typing words into a online form.

No selling or internet skills required.

Click here to learn more.

ht tp :// spice dark . com /njy r n m d-buk 46 g4 40v qa

End future emails here:

ht tp: // spice dark . com /hi qy bplv utu zki-wq uya

write to:
Inter top Inc.
8721 St. Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90069

To stop receiving advertisements please follow this link, or write to the address below:

ht tp: // spice dark .co m/un s ub/? i d=2xu vi-jm wjpk ooq p-m

Atrius Web Solutions, LLC
119 Rockland Center, Suite 365
Nanuet, NY, 10954

Apr 3, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Fwd: this is an emergency.

From: coltblack@embarqmail.com - Reply-To: Boatus_1FD1288E9A360CC08CD9D2377005BA8B@Response.boatus.net - Received: from unknown (HELO smtpbulk.boatus.net) ([]);

Classified Ads Weekly Newsletter

Friend -

Global Recession - that's all over the newspaper pages, TV reports, and internet media from all around the globe today. Businesses are in a state of emergency. Employees are in great financial danger and economic trouble. This is indeed an emergency that everyone must look for immediate solution.

However, while people are panicking, group of people are just simply staying at home and making more money than those who are out to office for a regular 9-5 JOB. These people are earning $500, $1000 to even tens of thousands of dollars monthly from home using their internet connection and a computer. If you want to do the same, then read on...

Internet Money-Making Industry (IMMI) is the only business industry that has not been affected by the global recession that most of the usual business are experiencing right now. In fact, it is going even stronger and stronger each day.

Just recently, a new money-making program from a very reputable company have successfully launched late January this year and it is making money to all of its qualified members.

With this new opportunity, every member can make $495 without recruiting anyone. This is the total income of the full cycle within their revolutionary money-making matrix! And any member are allowed to cycle once a week even without personal referral.

I am very confident to share this business to anyone else that I am giving an assurance that you will make more money here than what you are going to pay if you just try it for at least six months straight.

Join this business for at least six months, and if you will not earn more than your total membership fees for six months, get back to me personally and I will refund you money back!

Let's just be too conservative and say that you will only be able to cycle 4 times within the company-matrix in your 6 months of stay. By that, you could be having a total earning of $308 total commissions! And, your 6 months stay will only cost you $290 in total!

Remember, that's from a very conservative standpoint. Some people are cycling 5 times, 7 times, and even more than 10 times in this business in just a month or two without doing anything after joining!

This is really worth a try. And the FASTER you act today and start your members, the better chance that you will cycle within the matrix fast!


To your Success!

Alan Morris
RA Marketing Group

P.S. We are sharing this article to those who want to better their financial situation despite of the current economic status that we are facing right now. There's no recession or loss of profits if you have a business that has less capital requirements and with unlimited earning potential. You can have one on the internet! Just check it out fast.

P.P.S. To receive no more shared article like this, please block us from sending you by clicking here.



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Dear BoatUS Member,

Because you've told us you tow a boat in North Carolina, we think you should be

aware of this legislative development:

Governor Easley has called the Legislature back to Raleigh for a session tomorrow -

Wednesday at 11 am - to vote again on House Bill 2167, the boat trailering width

bill. This bill allows boat trailers up to 10' wide to be towed without a permit.

It also allows boat trailers up to 9.5' wide to be towed any day, at any time.

Boat trailers 9.5' - 10' wide may be towed only between sun up and sun down.

Right now the NC law says that towing a boat trailer wider than 8.5' requires a permit and is illegal at night,
Sundays, and at noon the day before a national holiday until noon the day after.

This bill passed the House and Senate in July, but was vetoed by the Governor on

August 17. To override the Governor's veto, a 60% "yes" vote is required.

For a copy of the bill, click here.

To make your views known to your state representatives, click here. Use the "Senate"

and "House" buttons on the left tool bar to contact your legislators directly.

Margaret Podlich
Vice President of Government Affairs


PLEASE NOTE: This email was sent to you. If you prefer not to receive any emails

from BoatUS, click here to unsubscribe. To forward this message, click here

©2008, Boat Owners Association of The United States All Rights Reserved

Apr 2, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Get back on track and worry less about money

From: " Visa debt " - hisadw@bendfitting.com - Received: from unknown (HELO bendfitting.com) ([] envelope-sender - isadmiadk@bendfitting.com );

Up to 60% Savings

Erase your debt!

From: credit cards, retail cards, medical bills, judgments, personal loans & more, NO CREDIT CHECKS.

Visa debt can get you out of debt, learn how

Apr 1, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Doctors want to kill this woman

From: "Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst" - DrSuzanneGudakunst@navydisc.com - Received: from unknown (HELO navydisc.com) ([]);

Hi Subscriber,

My name is Suzanne, and I'm a real doctor that would like to show you why you may be "fat" and why you're unable to lose weight no matter how hard you try.

First off, please always know that it's not your fault...I would like to show you the disgusting truth right now as to what is keeping you fat!

Press here to see the disgusting truth that is keeping you from losing fat:

ht tp: // navy disc . com /ai m 6u 6a4 srgd yw yd uepa

After you see what the problem is, I will then show you how easy it is to finally lose the fat that you want to lose.

Thank you!

Dr. Suzanne

To not receive future offers/promotions from "Dr. Suzy" please press on the below link and scroll to the bottom of the page:

ht tp :// navy disc . com /w8 nvq wn jeh cso ogtl w vq

send us a letter at:
6965 El Camino Real
Suite 105 - 698
La Costa, CA 92009

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Should you want to contact us via the United States Postal Service, our address is as follows:

Kalinger Enterprise
363 7th Ave. FL 9
New York, NY, 10001