Apr 16, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Never pay another cable bill ever again

From: "Internet TV Channels" - InternetTVChannels@sugarcroc.com - Received: from unknown (HELO sugarcroc.com) ([]);

Hello Subscriber,

We wanted to inform you today that you can now download a program online that will allow you to watch unlimited television from around the world right on your PC! Press Here to watch TV from around the world on your PC:

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If you wish to no longer receive marketing promotions for PCTV4ME just visit the page below and you can easily remove yourself from future electronic mail messages:

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send a letter to us at the address below:
6965 El Camino Real
Suite 105-698 La Costa, CA 92009

To stop receiving advertisements please follow this link, or write to the address below:

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Customer Service
405 Tarrytown Road
Suite 1203
White Plains, NY 10607

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