From: - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]) or from ([]) by ( or from mail pickup service by;
Do you currently spend time on the Internet Researching subjects -
especially Money Making and Home Business Opportunities?
How would you feel if you found out that you can get paid for it?
How would you feel if you found out that you can easily get paid a Huge
Fortune from perfoming simple research?
Well, when I found out, I was one happy camper.
You see, I stumbled accross an amazing website that shows you EXACTLY how
to turn the simple research you are already doing into a Very Lucrative
Home Business.
ht tp ://s h m yl.c om/qz f ts on
Now, I know you have seen all the "get rich quick" schemes and all the
online scams, and I know you are skepticle of claims - but - this is the
real deal.
This amazing course has been designed from the ground-up to make you
Retirmement Level Income as quickly and easily as possible - and it works.
Not only that, it comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee and a Huge
selection of Great Bonus Items that you get to keep even if you decide the
course is not right for you.
It is one amazing course and one amzing deal. Go see for yourself now -
you will not regret it.
Note: This is a one time offer only.
Yours Zyra Blant
ht tp ://s h m yl.c om/qz f ts on
845 N. Rainbow Blvd. #1216
Las Vegas
Nevada 89107
United States
I purchased or we may have in contact before.Should
you are not interested to recieve more information
about this offer, please follow on this removal
link. ht tp ://s h m yl.c om /l s on
Dec 31, 2008
Does Research Really Pay? It Sure Does!
Dec 30, 2008
SUSTAINABILITY: Franko Cunningham has sent you an email.
From: - Received: from unknown (HELO ([] envelope-sender - );
*Unbelievable rankings on MSN - this is unreal...*
I won't waste any of your time in this email
because this is absolutely mind-blowing:
h ttp:// the m in iu rl.c om/e m 8 1
Watch the video.
I have no idea how these guys accomplished this...
All I know is I wanna get me some of that!
Take care,
Franko Cunningham
Seattle,Washington D.C.
Dec 29, 2008
Who has been Searching for you
From: "Reunion Searches" - - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]);
Who's Searching for You?
Find out now:
ht tp: //z en ithya ma .co m/t0c 28 a
Best Regards,B-
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333 Mamaroneck Avenue
Suite 193
White Plains, NY 10605
Dec 28, 2008
Government Funding
From: "Money is available" - - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]);
No Money? No Problem!
You're entitled to government funding and can claim it here:
ht tp: //pe ca ns wi m /g mu l-4bj 0xda mkn 0a 4 vq
Government money is readily available for many reasons including:
* Business setup / expansion
* Real estate purchase and renovation
* Rent payment assistance
* Bills
* Education
* Equipment
* And Much Much More!
All you have to do is know where and how to ask!
Get our complimentary information kit here:
ht tp: // pe can s wi m.c om/am m i-qaz 4x2 dm gm kg 4 nq
Stop further announcements about this
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Raven Media 2620
South Maryland Pkwy # 969
Las Vegas, NV 89109
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405 Tarrytown Road
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White Plains, NY 10607
Dec 27, 2008
I Earned $648.89 In My First 24 Hours Using The Forex AutoPilot System!
From: - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]);
Dear Friend,
Do you want to make money? To drive fast sports cars and live the luxurious life you always
dreamed off before hitting the grave? I`m sure you do but the question is what are you willing
to do for it. Let`s face it you probably tried affiliate marketing, website promotion,
multilevel marketing and even some more exotic things.
And in the end nothing worked.. the same applied to me.. do you know why we failed? Because we
are LAZY.
==> ht tp :// ref url co m/ 2r Z
Professional marketers spent years in tears of frustration till they got the hang of it and
eventually started to see results. And they wanted it bad enough.. some probably sacrificed
their social lives in the process
I dont know about you but I DID NOT want to spend years in exercising patienc nor quit watching
soap operas on tv or dating chicks ;)
I WANT TO MAKE MONEY NOW.. so.. what if i could show you a way to start making money within the
next HOURS?
==> ht tp :// ref url co m/ 2r Z
Raking in thousands of dollars each and every month?
without: Promotion of ANY kind?
without: Any knowledge or any skills at all?
without: a stupid template website?
without: the need for long working hours?
SOmething that you turn on and then it produces money on autopilot?
Get your own money making robot today and laugh heartily about people that work a regular job.
Your own 24/7 money making robotic software that rakes in thousands of dollars each and every
day. Grab this once in a lifetime opportunity now and set it up.. then get back being a couch
patatoe like me but with one difference: a wealthy sports car driving couch patatoe ;)
==> ht tp :// ref url co m/ 2r Z
Yours sincerly,
Michelle Biden
-The Forex Trader's & Analyst
P.S. Please send a reply with "STOP" if you are no longer
interested so we can gladly remove you from our list.
This email has been sent to you by a friend.
If you would like to view the product they have referred you to, please click the link below.
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Dec 26, 2008
TransUnion, Equifax, Experian Credit Reports And Scores
From: "Credit Report Center" - - Received: from unknown (HELO ([] envelope-sender - );
Did you know that the average American credit score is 692 ?
If your score is lower borrowing gets really tough.
What is your score?
Here's a good chart that explains the impact of your score:
- 720 – 850 - Excellent – The best financing terms and represents the best score range
- 700 - 719 - Very Good – qualifies to receive favorable financing
- 675 - 699 - Average – will qualify for most loans
- 620 - 674 - Sub-prime – May qualify but will pay higher interest
- 560 - 619 - Risky – Might have trouble getting a loan
- 500 – 559 - Very Risky – You need to work on improving your rating
Get Your Credit Score Now It's simple and doesn't require a SSN
To be immediately removed from our contact records go here
or write to 4447 North Central Expressway Suite 110 PMB 406 Dallas, Texas 75205
Dec 25, 2008
Super Food Explosion Solves Obesity
From: "Fat Club" - - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]);
Dec 24, 2008
Get younger, healthier looking skin in minutes
From: "Ageless Institute" - - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]);
Look up to 10 YEARS YOUNGER Today
- Erase Wrinkles
- Even Skin Tone
- Eliminate Blemishes
- Look and Feel YOUNGER
ht tp: //c old in di m/qc nr onu -wtn 6ph -i scp a
You can unsubscribe from promotions by copying and pasting this URL into your browser:
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write to:
Rejuvenate Worldwide
3634 Long Prairie Rd.
Suite 108-113
Flower Mound, TX 75022
To stop receiving advertisements please follow this link, or write to the address below:
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Customer Service
333 Mamaroneck Avenue
Suite 193
White Plains, NY 10605
Dec 23, 2008
TransUnion, Equifax, Experian Credit Reports and Scores
From: "Credit Reporting Center" - - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]);
With Credit Diagnosis, you'll have access to all benefits of the service, including:
• Your upgraded 3-in-1 credit report with your 3 free credit scores
• Your merged credit report includes info from TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian including creditor contact data and addresses
• Credit alerts emailed to you for new accounts opened, inquiries into your file and address changes
• 24-hour Card Registration Service with emergency assistance if your credit cards are lost or stolen
We do not engage in spam practices or share or sell personal information to third parties, period.
To be immediately removed from our contact records, please use this safe unsubscribe link. 8144 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 510 Dallas, Texas 75231
To stop receiving advertisements please follow this link, or write to the address below:
Customer Service
222 Purchase Street
Suite 109
Rye, NY 10580-2101
Dec 22, 2008
Game-Console-Rewards - $250 Gift-Card
Dec 21, 2008
Dear Winner,
From: "timsung" - - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]) or from localhost ( []) or from (unknown []);
Dear Winner,
This is to notify you that your e-mail has won 250,000.00euros
in the 2008 SPNL Sweepstakes e-Lottery.It is a computerized
selection sponsored by Camelot. Raffle no: 56475600545 188
Serial No:5388/02 Winning Number: 05-11-13-17-44-48-(25)
To file claims, Details Required for Verification:
1. Full Name and Address
2. Telephone/Mobile
3. Age and Gender
Contact the Claims Center:
Anderson Lopez(Reference Officer)
Yours sincerely,
Online Administrators
Dec 20, 2008
The BEST return on your money...
From: "Wealth Tactics" - - Reply-To: - Received: from unknown (HELO ([];
Even in the middle of an ugly recession and a battered economy, you can easily produce incredible returns on your money.
I'm talking about a guaranteed, impossible to lose investment.
Tax Free. Risk Free. Can't Miss.
You see, in the markets, your investments are inherently risky...particularly in today's economy.
But once you discover the proper strategies for paying off your debt at an astounding pace, you enter a whole new ball game.
We invest in order to increase our net worth and prepare for or improve our retirement. If you pay off your debt...that investment is guaranteed. It also means you pay no Brokers, fees, or commissions, you pay no taxes, and you CAN NOT lose any money!
I'll show you how to get an amazing return on your money while completely eliminating your debt--usually in just 5 to 7 years, using just your existing income.
In a few years, your debt payments will be completely gone. You will then have greatly increased monthly cash flow. You'll use this to intelligently invest in other areas in such a way as to create your ideal retirement decades sooner than you otherwise might.
Most people in our society NEVER retire financially free. They almost ALWAYS depend on handouts from someone. YOU won't have to...
There's something much better in store for you...
Don't put this off. Check it out...
ht tp: //br itish little .co m/d n/tdf we kf kfd zt kc/e fk/
This is An Advertisement.
To opt-out click here
Or mail to.
Integrity Financial Resources
990 W Atherton Drive
Suite 200
Salt Lake City, UT 84123
Dec 19, 2008
Claims notification
From: "e-Lottery Sweepstakes" - - Reply-To: - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]) or from (localhost.localdomain []) by (8.12.10/8.12.10) or from (SquirrelMail authenticated user khaled) by with HTTP;
Thursday, 30/October 2008
We happily announce to you the draw (#978)of the British Lottery6/49,
Online Sweepstakes program.
Your e-mail attached to ticket number: 5647560054-188 with Serial number
5368/02 jackpot lotto winners drew the lucky numbers
(-02-06-21-34-35-49-(46-) "bonus no 46.that won" you the lottery in the
2ND category i.e.:match-5 plus bonus. You have therefore been approved to
claim a total sum of £789, 000.00 (Seven Hundred and eighty nine Thousand
Great Britain Pounds) in cash reedited file BL6/49/AXBTL2075.
To file for your prize claim do remember to quote the following vital
Contact the underlisted assigned agent:Official
(agent): Mr. Armstrong Forrester
Tel:+44 701 113 5770
Fax:+44 700 593 1565
Yours Sincerely.
Mrs. Lilian Prince
Dec 18, 2008
Refinance and Save
From: "Refinance" - -Received: from unknown (HELO ([]);
Refinance while the numbers are in your favor.
Find the latest rates and refinance now.
Click here to refinance!
ht tp: //in dig obo o m /rwl c0w uxnn 4lr fz wxg k q
Click here to refinance!
ht tp: //in digo bo ot.c om /au pk fu q-4p yda h6 8g eoq
To stop receiving advertisements please follow this link, or write to the address below:
ht tp: //in digo boot .co m/u ns ub/? id=p rfquw vwuv suv 2e ja
Customer Service
405 Tarrytown Road
Suite 1203
White Plains, NY 10607
Dec 17, 2008
Making Big Profits $$$ Others Peoples Membership Sites
From: "The Secret Method" - - Received: from unknown (HELO marky-PC) ([]);
Dec 16, 2008
From: - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]) or from unknown (HELO ([]);
We are currently recruiting candidates on different positions in our New Hotel
Resort and Spa in Malaysia.
We need the following candidates with right working attitude.
1.Customer Care Services/ Receptionist
2.Bar Tender, Waiter/Waiteress
3.Administrative Clerk, Administrative Assistant, Housekeeping Staffs,
4.Front Desk Officer, Front Office Manager
5.Food & Beverage Manager, Food & Beverage Supervisor, Assistant Restaurant Manager
6.Accounts Executive,
7. Conference & Banqueting Manager
8.Sales Assistants... etc.
Interested candidates may email their resume (with recent photo), Application Letters
and Academic Credentials/Certificates to;
Only shortlisted candidate will be notified
Dec 15, 2008
If you want to earn $1937.24 in the next 3 days. READ THIS!!!
From: - Received: from unknown (HELO ([] envelope-sender - );
Dear Friend, This is Rob Bampilas, I know I haven´t emailed you in a while but I just could not let you miss this:
I was searching through my favourite forum yesterday when I came across a post. The post was by a user who goes by the username "chronus".
But what he said in his post was very interesting. Braggingly he talked about how he stumbled across a website 2 weeks ago. The website was about a newsletter called "Doubling Stocks".
This newsletter has been running for years and the average return of each stock is 105.67%. "Chronus" went on to explain how he'd invested in the last 3 stocks recommended and had so far earned $1937.24
Here: ht tp://w ww .ref url . c om/2 nn
He told everyone, on Sunday evenings he: Opens his emails, Downloads the latest stock recommendation... then watches as his investment doubles in the next few days.
Other users of the forum, asked him of the web address where they could subscribe to this service. He declined.
He also posted again saying how he was luckily in the last 500 subscribers allowed. And how only 86 spaces were left as he posted. But he said he wouldn't let go of this secret.
Here: ht tp://w ww .ref url . c om/2 nn
Without high expectations I emailed him through the forum. Unlike others in my email I was calm and pleasant. I didn't demand the address of this website. Within a few hours of talking to him over emails, we had started to forge a friendship. He honestly is a very nice guy.
In one of his emails he told me there were only 54 places left to be a newsletter subscriber. And right there under that sentence was the link.
I immediately clicked onto the website, still 39 places left, I signed up and awaited my first stock pick.
Thank God He Told Me...
Doubling Stocks Is A Goldmine
Right now I've got $867.98 in my Scottrade account, after an innitial investment of $300.00. This newsletter is awesome. I then rang round all my friends and loved ones, telling them to get to the nearest pc and subscribe for their own place.
Next I decided I would email you guys. The stickler is my email list (you) has nearly 50,000 subscribers. And guess what? There are only 24 places left to become a subscriber as I write this.
Which means there is a very very slim chance, you can actually get your hands on this. So if you can bare it click on the below link and scroll to the bottom. It should say in big black letters how many subscriber spaces left. If it's above 0, you're in luck. I'd advise you to scroll to the top of the page and read it all:
ht tp://w ww .ref url . c om/2 nn
Then sign up, place your first trade, and start living!
Rob Bampilas
I Hope You Are Not Reading This Signature Unless You're Rich.
I´m Serious. You See, You are Going to Want... Really Want...
The Stock Trading Robot Available Below... And if you Can´t Afford It,
You Are Probably Going to Feel Sick to Your Stomach.
ht tp://w ww .ref url . c om/2 nn
P.S.: If you have problem accessing the link above, proceed here:
h ttp ://make money serious m y m/
Best Regards,Rob BampilasThis service was provided by Merck & Co., Inc.; however, your e-mail address was not retained. Click here to view our Privacy Policy:
ht tp:// www.m erc k .co m/po licy /pr iva cy/ ho m e.html
Dec 14, 2008
Recession Solution for Debt
From: "Debt Christian Solutions" - - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]);
Can't see the images? Click here |
201 E. Sandpointe Ave. #300, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Unsubscribe: ht tp://ww w. dne list.c om/u/58f50 0a7 44 c01 9 32f e8944 5c99 9 7 2a06 |
To stop receiving advertisements please follow this link, or write to the address below:
Customer Service
363 7th Ave. FL 9
New York, NY, 10001
Dec 13, 2008
Get $5,000 of Free Laser Hair Removal
From: "Laser Hair Removal" - -Received: from unknown (HELO ([] envelope-sender - ); Get $5,000 of Free Laser Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removal
To stop receiving announcements about this offer
American Laser
24555 Hallwood Court
Farmington Hills, MI 48335
Dec 12, 2008
Car Insurance rate Alert, rates lower for 2008
From: United Car Insurance - - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]);
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Advertisement |
If you can't read or see this email, Click Here |
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To unsubscribe please go here
or send mail to:
18034 Ventura Blvd., #169 | Encino, CA 91316
Dec 11, 2008
We'll Help You Make Up To $6000 Each And Every Month
From: - Received: from ( [] by or Received: from ( [] by;
message: As seen in USA TODAY
NEW Internet Opportunity Like Nothing You've Seen Before
- Work From Home On Your Computer
- We Do The Advertising For You
- No Selling, No Inventory, No Risk
- No Monthly Fees or Contracts
- Join Today & Get $25 Cash
Start Making Money Online
ht tp://r e f u m/2j C
Arthur McKenzie
PS. To receive no more emails from me, simply
follow the link below to block us from sending
you updates:
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Mail Powered by PMPMSI.
To Receive no More Emails From PMPMSI Customers,
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firstName: Arthur McKenzie
Referring Page: ht tp ://w ww .stu den tloa nfu ndi m/em ail_to _fri end.h tm l
Date Submitted: 10/26/2008 10:47:37 AM
Dec 10, 2008
Foreclosure is not the only option. Save your credit.
From: "Mortgage Help" - - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]);
To stop receiving advertisements please follow this link, or write to the address below:
Customer Service
222 Purchase Street
Suite 109
Rye, NY 10580-2101
Dec 9, 2008
The real reason why you're fat
From: "Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst" - - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]);
Hello Subscriber,
It's me Dr. Suzanne G. here , and I wanted to let you know a very scary fact that every single person MUST be aware of if they every want to lose their fat:
Did you know the average person has 6-10 undigested meals resting in their colon?
Also, Every Single Person Has Disgusting Plaque and Horrible Little 'CRITTERS' Living in Their Colon!
I'm Going to Show You How to Get Rid of All of It so You Can Shed 10 lbs, 25 lbs, 50 lbs even 100 lbs or more - and Keep It Off FOREVER!!
Press here and I will show you how:
h tt p:/ /e sk im oc lay .co m/ q wp e2 n e2 e6y cv h0 fkk nq
Thank you, and allow me to help you lose weight as quickly as possible!
Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst
To not receive future offers/promotions from "Dr. Suzy" please press on the below
link and scroll to the bottom of the page:
ht tp ://es ki mo cla m/g 4w p qbr jsxb jq l px 4 au q
send us a letter at:
6965 El Camino Real
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La Costa, CA 92009
Hi Subscriber! You are receiving this solicitation because you previously agreed to receive correspondence from Copper Banana. If this service should fail to meet your expectations, feel free to disassociate yourself from our service.
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Should you want to contact us via the United States Postal Service, our address is as follows:
Atrius Web Solutions, LLC
119 Rockland Center, Suite 365
Nanuet, NY, 10954
Dec 8, 2008
FREE Download of EBooks And Software, I will Teach You How?
From: "" - - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]) or Received: from (truffa []) by (8.13.1/8.12.11) or Received: from ( []) by;
Dec 7, 2008
History repeats itself...
From: "Dan" - - Reply-To: - - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]);
What price do people pay for freedom?
In the 17th and 18th centuries as people were coming to this "new world", many of them couldn't afford the boat ride.
So, to get to America, they would agree to be indentured servants. They would commit to work for someone for 3 to 7 years, and in the end they would be part of this new free world ... at least that was the idea.
You see, in many cases, the indentured servant would become further indebted to their "employer" who would then agree to forgive that debt if they would stay on ... many times indefinitely ... is this starting to sound familiar?
Today, we still have indentured servants ... more like financial slaves really. But instead of being obligated for 7 years, it's 30 ... or more ... and that's assuming you actually become debt free ... incidentally, many people won't see that day before they die.
In fact, dissect the word "mortgage" and what do you get? Well, "mort" comes from the latin word for death, and "gage" comes from latin to mean pledge ... so a mortgage effectively is a "death pledge" ... and as I've already stated, that's often the case ... but it doesn't have to be.
Armed with the right information, you can be free of those bonds much faster than you've been previously taught ... maybe even as little as 5 to 7 years ... with your current income ... and without living like a caveman.
Read this special report, and discover how.
ht tp ://s ell sy ou rh om em ore.c om/b kg q/jo wc fcj bey bh h fc/
See you there,
Dan Hollister
This is An Advertisement.
To opt-out click here
<ht tp:/ /sell syou rho me m m/bk n/mf oho fvjeb yeh wfm />
Or mail to.
Integrity Financial Resources
990 W Atherton Drive
Suite 200
Salt Lake City, UT 84123
Dec 6, 2008
Side effects include: Increased libido, decreased cellulite, and
From: "Wieght Loss Promotion" - - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]);
Press Release: Arvada, CO, October 01, 2008 A research-based supplement company (GNS), is recruiting participants between the ages of 18 and 69 for a local marketing study.
In an odd twist of events, their last test group, a group of self-proclaimed "desperate housewives" were recruited to try the new 'Slim Seduction' pill which they quickly renamed "the passion pill", as it unexpectedly caused a sizzling, new spark in their love lives!!
Not only had the group lost an extraordinary amount of fat, they had even lost some very unwanted cellulite from their lower bodies and bellies.
With over 57 scientific studies indicating that Slim-Seduction's individual ingredients act to accelerate the burning of body fat (including cellulite),and zap cravings, the researchers were not surprised at the fat-loss,but they were amazed by the increased "libido".
Now researchers want even more proof that Slim Seduction works as quickly in the real world as its ingredients do in the laboratory, and the astonishing initial tests.
More feedback is needed and if you qualify, you will receive a 30-Day Supply so you can participate in this important testing.
Participation is being limited, so you must act now.
Click Here to view Before & After Photos
ht tp: //s a ckp are nt.c om /cie wk 4qn knoq mc qdv a ga
To unsubscribe from this entire list, please scroll to the bottom.
If you want to unsubscribe only from this particular notice from GNS, visit the link immediately below:
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write to:
GNS Inc.
12650 W. 64th Avenue #157
Arvada, CO 80004
To stop receiving advertisements please follow this link, or write to the address below:
ht tp: //s a ckpa rent. co m/u n su b/?i d= y p 0f by voud 6-p -s8e
Customer Service
363 7th Ave. FL 9
New York, NY, 10001
Dec 5, 2008
Have You Taken AVANDIA? Important Lawsuit Information
From: "AVANDIA Lawsuit Info" - - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]);
Have You Taken AVANDIA? Important Lawsuit Information
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is aware of a potential safety issue
related to Avandia (rosiglitazone), a drug approved to treat type 2 diabetes.
Safety data from controlled clinical trials have shown that there is a potentially
significant increase in the risk of heart attack and heart-related deaths in patients taking Avandia.
Avandia (rosiglitazone) is manufactured by drug maker GlaxoSmithKline,
and is one of the most popular pharmaceuticals for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
If you or someone you know has taken Avandia you or that someone or their family may be entitled to monetary damages.
To stop receiving announcements about Avandia
The Legal Leads Network, Inc.
14545 J. Military Trail #137
Delray Beach , FL 33484
By filling out this form, you are NOT forming an attorney-client relationship. You can only retain an attorney by entering into a fee agreement. By submitting this form you not entering into a fee agreement. This form is just a request for legal advice. Any information that you will receive in response to the above question is general information and you will NOT be charged for the response to this e-mail question. Legal Leads Network, Inc. is not a Lawyer referral service.
To stop receiving advertisements please follow this link, or write to the address below:
Customer Service
119 Rockland Center
Suite 365
Nanuet, NY 10954
Dec 4, 2008
Walk Away From All Your Debt - As Seen on MSNBC
From: "Debt Solutions" - - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]);
American Ex-Debt, P.O. Box 455 E. Boca Raton Blvd, Boca Raton FL 33487
To stop receiving advertisements please follow this link, or write to the address below:
Customer Service
119 Rockland Center
Suite 365
Nanuet, NY 10954
Dec 3, 2008
A -Bailout Plan- for the Rest of Us. . .
From: "Dan H." - - Received: from unknown (HELO ([] envelope-sender - );
Our entire financial system is on the verge of complete collapse.
And chances are, just about everything you know about money was taught to you by this very same system.
Here are the Facts:
* You've been lied to...
* Debt.Freedom is a Choice
* Financial.Freedom is a Choice
Here's the good news:
If you are in a position where you can pay your bills...
you are in a position to become wealthy.
If you don't take care of yourself and your family,
do you really think anyone else will?
Security, Freedom, and Peace of Mind are waiting for you...
Check out the rest of the story Here. . . ht tp:// ry.s kyv ie wm ast er.c om/zc rd cy cdp qw n/y cn/
Dan Hollister
Advertiser opt-out go: Here
Or mail to: 990 W Atherton Drive/Suite 200/Salt Lake City/UT/84123
Dec 2, 2008
Get Paid up to $200 an hour taking pictures from home and uploading
From: - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]) or from ([]);
Paula visited Ocean Water Sport Web Site and suggests you take a look at this news article.
Paula wrote this message to you:
Hi Ricardo -
My name is Kieth Vera from Canada. I apologize
if contacting you this way is strange to you. I
just have something to share to you before my
Chest explodes.
At first, I was VERY skeptical, but after I've
read the details, and finally bought the
product, I was surprised! Surprised on how easy
it is to earn even up to $200 an hour by just
taking pictures from home and uploading them to
the internet.
ht tp :/ /re fu rl. co m/2 k V
This is not a typical "earn on the internet"
I don't usually recommend products or business
on the internet - proof to that is that you may
just heard of me today.
However, this business is so good. And, since
two weeks ago, thoughts come out of my mind
telling me to share this resource to others.
To help them by giving them a different and
truly working business that they can do from
home and with their digital cameras.
You don't have to be a professional photographer
to earn as much as $200 an hour taking pictures.
I know because I am just an ordinary guy too.
This chance may not be available anytime soon.
See for yourself here:ht tp :/ /re fu rl. co m/2 k V
Hope this helps, and if it does, a little
"Thanks" will be truly welcomed!
Kieth Vera
P.S. I've just earned $150 for the hour before
writing this recommendation. I'm very glad I'm
blessed. And, I'm more than happy that I'm now
able to share and pass this blessings to others.
I hope you will too. =>ht tp :/ /re fu rl. co m/2 k V
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Windurfing and Kite
Strong wind has hit Kuredu, which makes kiting
and windsurfing really good fun at the moment.
Setting the sails up against the wind and just
speed over the waves has brought kite and surf
enthusiasts out to play. ☺
Thank you for your time.
Ocean Water Sport Team
Dec 1, 2008
Uplift National Award - Winner
From: "upliftcapitalss" - - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]) or from ( by (8.5.014);
Lottery Winner,
Congratulations to you as we bring to your notice the result of Uplift National Award Promotion. We are happy to inform you that your email address have emerged a winner of Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Euros(? 450,000.00).
For more information and procedure, please Contact Mr.FRANK SANCHO, on the details given below,
TEL: +34 652 547 686
Lottery Ref NO: co/478/34/06
Batch No.:44-694-88-ES
Game No.:45-60-72
Lucky No.:20/35/49/70/90
PROMOTION DATE: 20th October 2008.
Reply this mail with your full name and telephone number.
Best Regards,
Mrs.Patricia Mellor.(Lottery co-ordinator)