Nov 19, 2008

** Affiliates Makes $19,859 In One Month! ** See Proof

From: - Received: from unknown (HELO ([]) or from Turkey ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.3959);

Dear Ricardo,

You should have no problem setting up online accounts. Each
one can be worth up to $50 - $200+ a
day, every day. (and no, it's not surveys or some other

==>> ht tp://st art ur l.c om/si xfi g ure fo rt une

Once your accounts are set up, you will be able to earn up
to $500-$1,000 in less than 2 hours a
day. I will show you how we do that and then I will help you
through the process so that YOU

You can have cash income EVERYDAY! I'm talking about DAILY
INCOME that is automatic. I get so
excited sharing this information! I really mean that. I
get excited because I know for a fact that
I can prove this to you and you will thank me and say nice
things about me!


ht tp://st art ur l.c om/si xfi g ure fo rt une

Ok, back to the program.

You will learn how to:

* Set up your online income accounts

* Set up your online transactions.

* Access your money online or through any ATM machine


ht tp://st art ur l.c om/si xfi g ure fo rt une

I want your success,

Keth Magloire

You are believed to be someone interested in making
money online or we have exchanged emails in the past,
or have been part of the same organization or downline.
If you would like to opt-out then please reply with the
subject "OPT-OUT"

ht tp:/ /www .d al la so ff i ce fu r ni tu r e. co m

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