Jul 4, 2010

SCAM EMAIL - Subject: Dear e-Mail Winner,

From: Microsoft Online Promo 2010 - info@online.co.uk - Reply to: drawsupdate@msn.com

Dear e-Mail Winner,

The WINDOWS LIVE & MICROSOFT WINDOWS has set out and successfully
organized a Sweepstakes marking the beginning of year anniversary. We
rolled out over 10,000.000.00 (10 million

e-mails) to mark the 2010 Anniversary Draws.Participants for the draws
were randomly selected and drawn from a wide range of web hosts which we
enjoy their BETA patronage attaching

personalized email addresses to ticket numbers.

Your email address as indicated was drawn and attached to TICKET
No:20511465463-7644 with SERIAL No:S/N-00168 and drew the LUCKY
No:887-13-865-37-10-83(20) which subsequently

won you (One Million Pounds Sterling)(Ł1,000 000) as one of the 10 jackpot
winners in this draw.Please contact our fiduciary agent for claims with
the contact below Agent.

Dr. Pinkett Griffin,
Email: drawsupdate@msn.com
Telephone: +44 871 315 2567

1.Full Name:
2.Full Address:
6.Phone Number:


Maggie Bausch

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