Jun 22, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Dentists List in the USA

From: "Whitehead northerly" - colon6xylene@yahoo.com - Received: from unknown (HELO first.919.com.pl) ([]) or from [] by first.919.com.pl;

Brand New 2008 Directory of Dentists in the US

==> 164,841 Dentists with City, State, Zip
==> 158,130 Postal Addresses
==> 163,821 Phone Numbers
==> 77,868 Fax #'s
==> 45,654 Email Addys

Until June 26th we have lowered the price to $298 - a $100 savings!

Send an email to Thorne@emedicalindex.com to inquire about this and other List we have

Write a blank email to delrem@emedicalindex.com to be delisted

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