Feb 16, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - RE: You've been Lied to... Learn the Real-Truth

From: "Dan H." - 2009-BailoutPlan730umq@beattigerwoods.com - Reply-To: "Dan H." - 431dan.hollisterhzb@beattigerwoods.com - Received: from unknown (HELO mx1.beattigerwoods.com) ([] envelope-sender - BlessingsInDisguisesrwhkk@beattigerwoods.com );

Are you wondering what's in store for 2009 too??

Our entire financial system is on the verge of complete collapse.

And chances are, just about everything you know about money was taught to you by this very same system.

Here are the Facts:

* You've been lied to...
* Debt Freedom is a Choice
* Financial Freedom is a Choice

Here's the good news:

If you are in a position where you can pay your bills...
you are in a position to become wealthy.

If you don't take care of yourself and your family,
do you really think anyone else will?

Security, Freedom, and Peace of Mind are waiting for you...

Check out the rest of the story Here

To your freedom,

Dan Hollister
Integrity Financial Resources


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