Feb 20, 2009

SPAM EMAIL - Government Grants Available, Act Now

From: "Grant Resource Center" - USGrants@boxbronze.com - Received: from unknown (HELO boxbronze.com) ([]);


FREE GRANT MONEY - Receiving Government Grants Has Never Been so Easy!

Visit here:

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Right now you may be eligible to receive up to $50,000 in Government Grant money that you would NEVER have to repay. And for a limited time we're giving away the same program that's helped thousands of individuals just like you learn how to get FREE Government Grant Money.

Visit here:

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Don't deal with the banks that have outrageous approval requirements, get your money in as little as 2 weeks and that's not even the best part...


If you would prefer not to receive any additional emails for Free Government Grants please visit:

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write to:
8912 E Pinnacle Peak Road,
Ste F9-640, Scottsdale, AZ 85255

To stop receiving advertisements please follow this link, or write to the address below:

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Customer Service
363 7th Ave. FL 9
New York, NY, 10001

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