Jan 17, 2009

Spam email - Get Cash for Your Timeshare...FAST

From: "My TimeShare 123" - MyTimeShare123@cranehuron.com - Received: from unknown (HELO cranehuron.com) ([]);

A message from: MyTimeShare123

Why pay for a vacation you are not going to take?


Get Cash for Your Timeshare... FAST!

ht tp :// jala pacl ay.co m/ob v2 vwl piqv so2y ym b xa

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ht tp :// jalapa clay .co m/rc juc im xx tj6 -f -atc la

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Coral Gables, FL 33134

To stop receiving advertisements please follow this link, or write to the address below:

ht tp :// jalapa cla y .co m/un su b/?i d=0h tn -oj u 0vo ffp n4m

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333 Mamaroneck Avenue
Suite 193
White Plains, NY 10605

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