Oct 30, 2008

Stella Fart sent you a link to GotoTrafficSchool.com

From: "Stella Fart" - jayavine@gmail.com - Received: from unknown (HELO smtp01.intelenet.net) ([] envelope-sender - jayavine@gmail.com );

Stella Fart thought that you might like this website:
ht tp :// ww w. go t o t r af f i c s c ho o l . co m /? u t m_ so ur c e =t ell af rie nd& utm _m ed iu m= em a il

Stella Fart had this to say:

Your Commission is Now $650. It will go up or
down, but I can assure you that it will not go
lower than $300 every month... Guaranteed!

To secure your commission!

ORDER NOW :h ttp://t he min iur l.co m/eh 19

Be sure to ORDER NOW or before Midnight of
OCTOBER 15,2008 the Cut-Off date. This is a Rare
Opportunity Only. It ONLY Takes $49.99 to Join,
and you will Get At Least $300 commission receive
before NOVEMBER 03,2008.

To secure your commission!

ORDER NOW : ht tp :/ /t he min iu rl .c om /e h1 9

This is Win-Win Situation! A Rare One!


Stella Fart
1217 NE 15th Street #201
Seattle, WA 98115

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