Oct 18, 2008

Paid Marketing Panel will give you $278.00

From: "PMP Pays $278.00" - return@garageground.com - Received: from unknown (HELO garageground.com) ([] envelope-sender - ret@garageground.com );

Paid Marketing Panel will give you $278.00 to participate in our online marketing panel.

Only a LIMITED NUMBER of panelists are needed.

You have been selected to be one of those panelists.

ht tp: // ga ra ge g ro u nd . c om / t/ c / 46 6 3 5/ n z _g w _f / r z1 4 1 63 . h t ml

There is nothing to buy. Just earn $278.00

To stop receiving announcements about this offer

ht tp: // ga ra ge g ro u nd . c om / t/ c / 46 6 3 5/ n z _g w _f / r z1 4 1 63 . h t ml

Pai Marketing Panel
654 Malanfant Blvd
Dieppe, NB, E1A 5V8


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