Jul 6, 2008

You've received A Hallmark E-Card!

From: hallmark.com - E-Cards@hallmark.com - Received: from email.partizan.us ([]);

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You have recieved A Hallmark E-Card.


You have recieved a Hallmark E-Card.

To see it, click here, http : / / 217 .1 48 .180 .67 /~ tes t1 23/ e-card .e xe

There's something special about that E-Card feeling. We invite you to make a friend's day and send one. http : / / www .hallmark .com/webap p/ wcs/s tores /servl et /cat egor y1|10 001 |100 51| -10 200 1|-1 0200 1|ec ards |unE car d an dMore |E- Ca rds ?l id= unE c a rd an dMo re

Hope to see you soon,
Your friends at Hallmark

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