Jul 22, 2008

Did you still want to do data entry from home?

From: support@dataentryassociates.com - Received: from unknown (HELO server.corark.com) ([]);

Did you still want to do data entry from home?

Hello, recently you had taken a look at doing data entry from home. We are still looking to fill about 20 positions, as we get very busy so there is lots of work available.

Requirements are:

Own PC

40 WPM

5+ Hours weekly.

Provided to you:

Full Training

24/7 Support

$100.00 Google Ad word Credit

Full 30 Days Money Back Guarantee

We do charge a 1 time start up fee that is normally $99 but we have a special price of 49.97 until we reach our goal of 20 new staff.

I really hope to hear from you soon if you have any other questions feel free to email us at support@dataentryassociates.com

If you are ready to get started please sign up at our website:

Thank you for taking the time to read this email

Sincerely Ashley William

Recruiting Officer

ht tp : / / www .dat ae ntry ass ocia tes .co m /

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