Feb 19, 2011

SPAM EMAIL - Subject: Hotel Burowianka - Krakow Poland Europe.

From: "info@burowianka.pl" info@burowianka.pl - Received: from v011515.home.net.pl (v011515.home.net.pl []) by mx.google.com with SMTP id z12si1797430bka.5.2011. client-ip= or from jyd114.internetdsl.tpnet.pl [] (HELO []) by burowianka.home.pl [];

Feb 18, 2011

SCAM EMAIL - Subject: Preencha este inquérito e ganhe 1000 euros.

From: "PT Painel" pt2045painel@lusopremio.com - Received: from cust-smtp-193.fasthosts.net.uk (smtp-out-60.livemail.co.uk []) or from WINWEB02 (unknown []);

Feb 5, 2011

SCAM EMAIL - Subject: 12th Anniversary / New Year P-R-O-M-O (Your E- mail has W O N !) Call # +44-703-182-3968

From: José_Eduardo_Monteiro_da_Cunha - joseeduardomc@umc.br -
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